Hey There! I'm Kaila C.C.

Product | UX-UI Designer,
Hiking Enthusiast, and Vanilla Advocate*

My Work

About Me

Brief Bio

I’m a NY based Junior Product (UX/UI) designer working at Suits & Sandals, a full-service web design agency.
I first fell in love with Product design when I found out about Ergonomics - I loved that small, well-research changes like the curvature of a chair can result in a cascade of improvements like productivity, mood, focus and so on. I never just never believed I could make a career out of it.
In my final year of college, I was admitted to a Code First Girls bootcamp and learned about HTML, CSS and JS. I also came across digital product design and my mind was blown! "This was it!" I thought - "too bad it's too late." In the time since I've realized that it's not too late, and that I can pivot into PD/UXD as my education and my personal interests have given me all the foundations necessary to create practical, usable and delightful products.


I studied Comparative Literature and Spanish at UCL, establishing a lifelong love for Pablo Neruda’s poetry.
My degree has cemented my analytical mind; my ability to look past what is presented and ask questions of How and Why - questions which lend themselves well to the field of User Experience, and my ability to think outside of the box and approach problems creatively.
I am autodidactic in UX design: I took the Google UX Design Professional Certificate, read a few books, consulted countless online resources, and of course put my learning into practice with my internship at Suits & Sandals.


I seek adventures, which is why I hiked the Appalachian Trail after graduating from college, and why I chose to move into UX.
While I would say that hiking is my main hobby, my weird side-hobby is mentally rating the UX of just about anything I encounter. I'll rate elevator buttons, door locks (why would you lock AWAY from the doorframe??), Apple's complete disregard for Gestalt's principle of common region...
Every PD/UX project is its own adventure, requiring you to approach it with curiosity, a flexible attitude, and ability and willingness to problem solve. Working in UX means we learn about different industries, different people and ways of thinking, and we learn about ourselves - just as any good adventure does.
